Oh well, the saga continues.
Do you know what happens when you lose your gmail account – I mean – when it is disabled? You can’t access any other Google “products” you have registered with that account …… 🙁
Any-way – I am TRYING to get access to SOMEONE at Google/Gmail to find out what happened – It has been a resounding disaster so far.
I eventually found a link that I could send a message to gmail technical support with.
This generated a form email response which was useless in the extreme and directed me to the usual ‘help’ page .
I therefore decided to try to google the problem (ok I am slow…) There is a google Gmail problem group!
It seems I am not the only one who has developed this problem out of the blue!
A very helpful post outlines multiple possible approaches. In particular – using this page to lodge the error.
I have duelly done all this…. Now waiting.
It also seems there are a few individuals in the group with some form of recognised integrity that Gmail/Google listen to. MAYBE they will be able to help too.
NOW it seems to be a waiting game. I HAVE other Gmail accounts I have since opened BUT it is a pain changing all my registration email links to point to theses AND I have lost my Vanity Gmail address!
Next task – upload all my saved Email to a NEW Gmail archive – stay tuned!