A strange thing happened on the way to the upgrade.

Well, as I said, I’ve upgraded to wordpress 2.0 . One of the first things I wanted to trial was the WYSIWYG editor with uploaded images.

I uploaded an image file (easy) and tried to insert it into a post – it failed! I was left with no image tag at all as soon as I pressed ‘save‘ or ‘save and continue editing‘. (I looked at the html generated). I was UNHAPPY!

I immediately blamed 2.0 of course! I also blamed the upgrade process just in case πŸ™‚ . I resigned myself to NOT using the wysiwyg editor πŸ™ . Later, I tried Podz trial site and confirmed that the editor didn’t work there either. So it must have been 2.0 at fault! Right? WRONG!

I happen to have a couple of systems hooked into the net (OK so I am a complete geek with a dedicated storage server and a home network etc etc πŸ™‚ ) . For some reason I accessed the editor from another machine – and….. the picture insertion worked!

I tried everything I could think of on the original machine. Deactivated spyware programs and software fire walls. Removed virus scanners etc etc. No joy! It had to be my browser – Firefox 1.5 . BUT the same browser worked on the other machine! I tried safe mode, deactivating my extensions/plugins for Firefox. No go. I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it – NO GO πŸ™

Finally, I uninstalled Firefox, deleted everything related I could find on my windows XP box. This included some residual configuration options in the Documents and settings folder. I reinstalled 1.5 .

EUREKA! Now it works! I have NO idea what was there to effect image insertion. As far as I know, I upgraded the same way on both boxes, but the fact remains it was a problem, and it was NOT WordPress 2.0 at fault.

So, just keep in mind – have a problem? It COULD be YOU at fault. I think we tend to forget that nowadays.

BTW -If you have ANY idea why it might have failed, PLEASE let me know. πŸ˜€

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