CNN wants a blog reporter!

Have a look at this!
Time warner (read CNN??) are acknowledging that blogs are the way of the future.
Here is their job advertisement for a Blog reporter!
Time Warner, Inc. – Job details

Duties: Producer will cover web-logs (blogs), pod-casts, and other internet-based forms of new media. The web producer will locate, research, and report on blogs and web sites that include news, politics, policy, commentary, and other information of value to our viewers. The results will be daily television segments reporting on this area of the media. This person will be responsible for producing both the editorial content and also the graphic and video elements necessary to develop each segment. This person will also report on-air as needed.

Podcasts too of course 🙂

Anyone lining up for the job?

Updated Firefox Tweaking Guide!

Whether you’re a first-time user or a veteran, this Firefox Tweak Guide brings together all the major tips, tricks and tweaks for Firefox. From the basic to the advanced, the following 11 pages of information are sure to enhance your Firefox experience.
Anything that increases Firefox’s appeal is worthwhile 🙂

read more | digg story